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Natrapure Colostrum Milk Powder Gold 300g
Enquire Biolife

Natrapure Colostrum Milk Powder Gold 300g


This product is produced according to Biolife formulated colostrum standard which have a strict control on all ingredients approval and production process.
This product is specially formulated with colostrum, Prebiotics and milk ingredient to naturally equalise and optimise your digestive system. This product will help to feed the growth of beneficial probiotic bacteria in your digestive system. A high level of natural healthy bacteria will support your digestive comfort, bowel health and regularity, and improve their digestive function and immunity. It contains no less than 60g of colostrum in each tin.
The same as other gas flushing pack products of Biolife, the packaging materials are processed in New Zealand and carefully transported to a modern canning premise for packing. The oxygen in the can is vacuumed and replaced by pure nitrogen to lower oxygen residue to less than 3%, which help maintaining the freshness and quality of product. Additionally, RLF lid is designed to protect the quality of colostrum, which can prevent moisture content rising in the product when it has been opened.
Suitable for:  Infant over six months and adults

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