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Sunplus Follow-on Formula 800g
Enquire Biolife

Sunplus Follow-on Formula 800g

The Sunplus infant formula range was developed based on the philosophy of “converging resources of New Zealand, delivering benefits of dairy”. It's scientifically formulated, great flavour and a balanced nutrition to infants’ natural development. Sunplus formulation is also designed to improve infants and young children’s locomotor system, nerve system, circulatory system, digestive and immune system.

Sunplus infant formula is produced in New Zealand. It covers three stages from birth to three years old by Infant Formula (0-6 months), Follow-on Formula (6-12 months) and Growing Up Formula (1-3 years). This product contains abundant nutrition to satisfy the baby nutritional needs and is also fortified with Lactoferrin more than 50mg/100g in each stage.

Lacoferrin (LF) is a globular glycoprotein with a molecular mass of about 80 KDa that is widely represented in various secretory fluids, such as Milk, saliva, tears, and nasal secretions. Lactoferrin can be extracted from milk or produced recombinantly. Lactoferrin belongs to the innate immune system. Apart from its main biological function, namely binding and transport of iron ions, lactoferrin also has antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, catalytic, anti-cancer, anti-allergic and radio-protecting functions and properties.

Sunplus infant formulas have an excellent solubility and taste with milk 100% sourced from New Zealand pasture feed cows, and the technology of single tin gas flushing also effective for pressure control and to minimise oxygen residue.
A 2-dimension traceability coding is applied to all Sunplus Formulas, and this is the first time it was introduced to our product range for product administration and traceability purpose. We are confident that this is best product available in terms of traceability in markets.

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